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Quantitative Electroencephalography
A Tool in Personalized Treatment
QEEG is a method of non-invasive electrical brain function testing which records and measures the frequency,amplitude, power ,coherence and phase of brainwaves at 24 electrode sites.

The QEEG uses computer algorithms that transform the raw EEG into quantitative displays that assist clinicians to recognize deviations from normal.

Practitioners observe the EEG patterns, and through the use of Neuroguide and LORETA software utilize the data to establish a neurofeedback training program , based upon the individual’s unique brainwave patterns.

QEEG guided neurofeedback assists the individuals to meet objectives , enhance brain function, and remediate symptomatology to enhance their life.

QEEG examinations are used to measure the presence and severity of core ADD symptoms.

“Studies since 1997 have shown that the QEEG is accurate up to 90% of the time ” in making the diagnosis of ADD.
(Hallowell, Edward M. MD : Delivered From Distraction, Ballantine 2005)

“New brain wave analysis techniques like quantitative electroencephalograms will help experts more clearly document the neurologic and behavioral nature of ADD.”
(American Academy of Pediatrics 2004)

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Gwendolyn Gehl LCSW, LLC, CTS, DCSW
Willow Creek N2735 FOX ROAD • NEOSHO, WI 53059
920-625-3070 (phone/faxline)
© 2009 EmulatedEye Productions